BroadGee’s Most Advanced Managed WiFi Solutions

Why settle for ordinary when your customers can get the future of Wi-Fi today

BroadGee’s High-Quality Broad Mesh System, 3 Pack

About Us

Our mission is to become the most advanced smart home software platform, where customers can enjoy access without limitations. We are guided by the principles of innovation, quality, security, and service. From our first product, the BroadMesh, we continue to innovate and develop more advanced Wi-Fi solutions to support companies looking to give their customers the best value for money.
BroadGee’s whole home & business broad mesh system
Enjoy ultra fast wireless network coverage with BroadGee’s mesh system

Our Product

BroadGee’s most advanced mesh system for home and business


Wi-Fi is crucial for a superior broadband experience

wifi mesh systems

Broadmesh system

The BroadMesh system offers a flexible solution to fit every customer’s needs

BroadMesh Managed WiFi Solutions


Such a widespread increase in WiFi usage doesn’t have to mean a slower experience for your users. No one should have to settle for frozen video feed or stuttering audio. With the BroadMesh managed wifi solutions, each household to which you provide internet can have access to high-speed WiFi, any time of the day or night.

managed wifi solutions
BroadGee’s high-quality broad wifi mesh systems

Premium Subscriber Wi-Fi

We’ve created a new level of Wi-Fi quality for broadband service providers. Start offering your clients a superior service starting today!

  • Boost Customer Satisfaction 100% 100%
  • Improve Customer Care 100% 100%
  • Full Homeowner Control 100% 100%

What is The BroadMesh?

How is it possible to provide high-speed internet to so many users at once? The secret lies in the technology behind mesh routers. A traditional router emits one strong signal, which can weaken or deaden in areas of the customer’s home. How many times have you had to instruct a customer to bring their laptop or tablet closer to the router to have faster service? With a mesh router, such advice is obsolete. The BroadMesh system coordinates multiple hotspots all over the house, eliminating the problem of dead zones and sharing the love of high-speed streaming.

WiFi isn’t magic; while it can travel through walls, it generally arrives on the other side weaker and slower. Walls made of brick or concrete can slow the WiFi signal, even more, leaving entire areas of the house in the dark. Instead of placing superhuman expectations on a single WiFi router to provide ubiquitous coverage, The BroadMesh router simply deploys more signals. Using a mesh router system is the equivalent of having a router in every room. By coordinating satellite modules, or nodes, The BroadMesh router ensures every user in the house can experience the fastest internet your service provides.

Internet technology is constantly changing, so you’ll want to give your customers a product that can keep up. The BroadMesh router not only brings your clients up-to-speed on their internet service, it also keeps their equipment up-to-date with automatic software updates. As new features and improvements roll out, your clients will instantly benefit from the faster WiFi.

Benefits Of The BroadMesh

Increase Customer Satisfaction

No more battling over bandwidth! Your customer care team will experience lower client churn with wall to wall coverage.

Zero Configuration

Our WiFi mesh network allows customers to use multiple devices on one internet connection with zero configuration & superior reliability.

Customer WiFi For the Future

Exceptional WiFi quality with software that adapts for all devices and applications with advanced security.

Homeowners Deserve Seamless WiFi

Elevate your subscribers’ experience with unlimited connectivity with our mesh WiFi systems. We don’t rely on a one-size-fits-all WiFi speed like traditional WiFi systems

How It Works

The user experience is so simple – it’s foolproof. Your customers will spend less time troubleshooting their WiFi and more time surfing the web, chatting on video calls, and streaming their favorite content.


So, how does this all work? For the customer, it couldn't be simpler. Once they've signed up for your service and received their new device, they will download your app to guide their set up. That's right – you won't need to send out trucks to set up new customers. The instructions are easy to follow and will show your customer how to manage their network through your app. And that's it!


The WiFi signal from The BroadMesh device is consistently strong in every room in the house. When the user sets up the device, they will configure the satellite modules to custom-fit their home. As they sign on to your new system, they’ll be saying goodbye to dropped calls and dead zones!


A stronger WiFi signal means a more reliable connection for your customer, no matter where they are in the house. Your customer will associate their WiFi experience with their perception of your company. By giving them a reliable connection, you show them that you’re a reliable internet provider.


After the initial setup, your customer will have the option to add advanced network protection, although security encryption at a basic level automatically comes with the device. They will also be notified when The BroadMesh updates the software – but they don’t need to do anything to make those updates happen.

With our cutting-edge Customer Experience Management platform, you can keep tabs on your customer care team without having to manage every interaction. Put more control in the hands of your users with our wifi-management app, and improve the lives of your staff and your customers with better router efficiency. All around, The BroadMesh is an internet upgrade you will not want to pass up. Take advantage of this service early on, and you’ll retain years of happy customers.

Even though these times of social distancing have been tough on everyone, using the internet doesn’t have to be. By giving your customers exceptional service despite unprecedented demand, you’ll be making their world a better place – even if it’s stuck at home.

Contact Us Today

Contact Us

When it comes to the latest in managed WiFi solutions, BroadGee has the best products and services in the US. Earn your customers’ confidence by making high-speed WiFi and customer satisfaction at the top of your priority list. Contact us to learn more about our internet technology and get started today!

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How’s Your WiFi Connection?

How’s Your WiFi Connection?

Are you looking for a better WiFi connection? Here at BroadGee, we tell you about our WiFi mesh network and all of the benefits that you can receive from it. BroadMesh is one of our most popular products because it provides an optimum WiFi signal that you can always...

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